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Tell me you're joking

Dm C 

He couldn't believe what his mama said, 

Dm C 

They put him in the car and he got scared, 

Dm C 

She looked at him in such a painful way, 

Dm C 

Oh please mama, don't torture me this way 

Dm Dsus2 Dm Dsus4

Dm C

She held in close and tears fell down, 


He thought of the words she'd said, 

C Dm Dsus2 

your father is gone 

Dm Am 

Oh no, this cannot be, 

Dm Am C 

My father would never leave you, me, 

C Dm Dsus2 Dm Dsus4 

So tell me you are joking, mama 

She said he didn't suffer because he was drunk, 

But how could she know, 

She wasn't there, when he sunk 

Oh no, this cannot be, 

My father would never leave you, me, 

So tell me you are joking, mama 

He thought he would accept it, 

As time passed by, 

But still there are moments when he has to cry, 

He feels his father should have been there, 

through the years, 

But he'll always send him love, 

Through thoughts, and through tears....


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