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歌谱:im wading in the velvet sea(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:Phish 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From elucas@tomichi.gunnison.k12.co.usSun Oct 12 22:29:15 1997
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 20:20:01 0000
From: Lucas <elucas@tomichi.gunnison.k12.co.us>
To: guitar@olga.net
Subject: chords

song:i'm wading in the velvet sea

Okay, this is my first time on here, so let's go:

(repeated in the background by the rest of the guys:"I'm wading in the
velvet sea")

G D Em
I took a moment from my day, and wrapped it up in things you say
And mailed it off to your address, you'll get it someday soon unless

(repeat same chord structure rest of song)

The packaging begins to break and all the points I tried to make
Are tossed with thoughts into a room, my time leaks out, my life leaks in
You won't find moments in a box, and someone else will set your clocks
I took a moment from my day, and wrapped it up in things you say
And mailed it off to you...

There's a new one fer all ya roly-poly phish heads!

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