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歌谱:when love comes to town(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:U2 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: Mikhail Rutman <mr6d @andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: TAB: "When love comes to town" by U2
In-Reply-To: <1993Nov04.203343.21273@dcc.uchile.cl>

I do this by memory, the chords are correct, maybe the placing of them
is wrong, well here it is, And the lyrics are the actual of what they
sing on the tape, becasue the insert on it gives you a very bogus
non-true version:


"When Love Comes To Town"
Music by U2
Lyrics by Bono Vox

Transcribed by Misha Rutman (mr6d@andrew.cmu.edu), all corrections are
more than welcome!!

You actually don't play the chords that are in parenthesis, if you
do an acoustic version, play then all of them, but the actual guitar
part played by The Edge is what you see w/o parenthesis.

The rhythm guitar part is just change between A and E: just hit each
chord once one after the other and let it ring until the next one like
that, if you listen closely to the tape you can hear it. All music stops
where I wrote "E(stop),"But The Edge has a delay going over his rhythm
part and you can hear it really clear at the stops.

Intro(Bono): guitar part just as in the first two lines of verse:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

(E) A E
I was a sailor, I was lost in sea
(E) A E
I was under the waves, before loves resqued me
(E) (A E)
I was a fighter I could turn on threat
Now I stand accused of things I've said.

Love comes to town,
I'm gonna jump that train
When love comes to town,
I'm gonna catch that flame.

Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down,
But I did what I did before love came to town.

This is the B.B.'s fill, do it twice:
(* means bend it up 1/4 of a step)


Verse 2(Bono):

Used to make love under the red sunset,
I was making promises I that were soon to forget.
She was pale as the lace of her wedding gown,
But I left her standing before love came to town.

Verse 3(Bono):

Ran into a juke joint when I heard a guitar scream,
The notes were turning blue as days are a dream.
As the music played I saw my life turn around
That was the day before love came to town.


The Edge solo (he picks open E chord)
Play the figure 4 times (# this note plays only the first time):

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