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From: jdm7@cornell.edu (Jeff Matson)
Subject: CRD: "Fearless" by American Music Club

by American Music Club from the album "San Francisco"

the fingerpicking throughout the song varies, making it very difficult for me
to transcribe exactly. below are a couple of the basic parts you can hear in
the intro.

e -------------- ---------1-------
B -------1------ -------2---2-----
G -----0---0---- -----2-----------
D -0h2---------- -2h3-------------
A -------------- -----------------
E -------------- -----------------

Note on chords: this doesn't do justice to the song, since AMC use very weird
fingerings, chords, tunings, etc. Still, it's close enough to sound good
for me and my acoustic guitar.

Lost again, am I lost again
Closed my eyes and kept on going
Bb C
Now I'm gone and nothing's gonna endure
Am Bb
Unless I love you even more

Found again, am I found again
By your hands
My home is in your hands
But that's a touch I don't deserve anymore
Unless I love you even more

A stubborn heart can stay broken forever
Dm Am G Am G F
But someday the tightrope's gonna break
Will I fall into a cool cool river
Or will I fall into a frozen lake

Saved again, am I saved again
By your eyes- the tears in your eyes
Your tears are the only thing that make me sure
I've got to love you even more
And your tears are the only thing that'll endure
Unless I love you even more

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