【上传歌谱】 |
当前位置: 糖宝派歌谱网 TXT吉他谱大全 佚名歌谱专辑 the lee shore

歌谱:the lee shore(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: Harlan L Thompson <harlant@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>

THE LEE SHORE- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

E -10- -7- --- ------- -7- -10- -7- -10- -7- --- ------0----------
B --8- -7- -8- -7h8p7- -7- --8- -7- --8- -7- -8- -8s10---10----10-
G ---- --- -9- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- -9- -9s11------11----
D ---- --- --- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- --- -----------------
A ---- --- --- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- --- -----------------
E ---- --- --- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- --- -----------------
Wheel gull, spin and glide

E ---- ---- ---- --- --- -5- ---0- ---0-
B -10- -12- -10- -8- -7- -5- --3-- --0--
G -11- -12- -11- -9- -7- -5- -4--- -2---
D ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ----- -----
A ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ----- -----
E ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ----- -----
You've got no place to hide It's cause you don't need one

E* Cmaj7 A* E*
All along the lee shore
E* Cmaj7 A* E*
Shells lie scattered in the sand
E* Cmaj7 Am7 G G/C G
Winking up like shining eyes, at me
E* A* E* A*
>From the sea

Here is one like sunrise
It's older than you know
It's still lying there where some careless wave
Forgot it long ago

When I awoke this morning
I dove beneath my floating home
Down below her graceful side in the turning tide
To watch the seafish roam

There I heard a story
>From the sailors of the Sandra Marie
There's another island a day's run away from here
And it's empty and free

>From here to Venezuela
There's nothing more to see
Than a hundred thousand islands
flung like jewels upon the sea
For you and me

Sunset smells of dinner
Women are calling at me to end my tails
But perhaps I'll see you, the next quiet place
F E* A* E* E*
I furl my sails

E*: 0 2 4 0 3 5 A*: x 0 4 0 3 x Cmaj7: x 3 2 0 0 x G/C 3 x 2 0 1 3

E--------------- play the high E note only at the very very end
E-0------------- <- change this to open A for A*

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