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歌谱:lets lynch the landlord(TXT吉他谱)

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From: mwatts@neumann.une.edu.au (Perry Farrell)

"Let's Lynch the Landlord"by Dead Kennedys, covered by L7

I haven't got the solo in the middle of the song yet (still
working on it). Here is all I know.
If you know the solo, would you be able to email it to me?

regards, Matt

Here is the original DK version:


The bar chords during the song are just the B chords played
on the E, A and D strings:



^I think this is right

In the L7 cover of this song (on the virus 100 album) this is
how they play it.
(except fast and thrashy with heaps of distortion)


The bar chords during the song are just the E chords played
on the E, A and D strings:



^I think this is right

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