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                                Take It Easy



Well I'm a runnin' down the road try'n to loosen my load

                     D     C

I've got seven women on my mind

G                       D

Four that wanna own me, two that wanna stone me

C                              G

One says she's a friend of mine

         Em            C G

Take it easy, take it easy

              Am                C                 Em

Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy

          C                G

Lighten up while you still can

           C                G

Don't even try to understand

            Am                 C                     G

Just find a place to make your stand,  and take it easy


Well, I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona

            D        C

Such a fine sight to see

       G                 D

It's a girl my lord in a flat-bed Ford

        C                        G

Slowin' down to take a look at me

          Em              C G

Come on, baby, don't say maybe

        Am                 C                 Em

I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me

       C               G                  C             G

We may lose and we may win, though we may never be here again

        Am              C                G

So open up I'm climbin' in, so take it easy


Well, I'm a runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load

                       D     C

Got a world of trouble on my mind

G                       D                          C              G

Lookin' for a lover who won't blow my cover, she's so hard to find

         Em             C G

Take it easy,  take it easy

              Am                C                 Em

Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

        C G             C  G

Come on baby, don't say maybe

        Am                 C             G           C   Em   

I gotta know of your sweet love is gonna save me


Chords used:

        E A D G B e


Am      x 0 2 2 1 0

C       0 3 2 0 1 0

D       x 0 0 2 3 2

Em      0 2 2 0 0 0

G       3 x 0 0 0 3



   Mike Mongeau                           Raytheon Equipment Division

   mongeau@nmc.ed.ray.com                                Marlboro, MA


{title:Take It Easy}

{subtitle:By The Eagles}


# Converted to chord format by Mark Paterson.

# Orignally posted to alt.guitar.tab by

# Mike Mongeau.


Well I'm a [G]runnin' down the road try'n to loosen my load

I've got seven women [D]on my [C]mind

[G]Four that wanna own me, [D]two that wanna stone me

[C]One says she's a friend of mine [G]

Take it ea[Em]sy, take it ea[C]sy[G]

Don't let the [Am]sound of your own [C]wheels drive you cra[Em]zy

Lighten up [C]while you still [G]can

Don't even [C]try to understand [G]

Just find a [Am]place to make your [C]stand,  and take it ea[G]sy

Well, I'm a [G]standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona

Such a fine [D]sight to [C]see

It's a [G]girl my lord in a [D]flat-bed Ford

Slowin' [C]down to take a look at me [G]

Come on, ba[Em]by, don't say ma[C]y[G]be

I gotta [Am]know if your sweet [C]love is gonna save [Em]me

We may [C]lose and we may [G]win, though we may [C]never be here [G]again

So open [Am]up I'm climbin' [C]in, so take it ea[G]sy

Well, I'm a [G]runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load

Got a world of trouble [D]on my [C]mind

[G]Lookin' for a lover who [D]won't blow my cover, she's [C]so hard to find [G]

Take it ea[Em]sy,  take it ea[C]sy[G]

Don't let the [Am]sound of your own [C]wheels make you cra[Em]zy

Come on [C]ba[G]by, don't say [C]may[G]be

I gotta [Am]know of your sweet [C]love is gonna [G]save me [C] [Em]


Marcus D. Paterson    </pre></div>

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