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歌谱:good hearted woman(TXT吉他谱)

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From: TPLBA@aol.com
Subject: Jennings, Waylon/Nelson, Willie: Good Hearted Woman

This sounds good strummed with the bass notes alternating between the root
and the fifth - the basic C/W style.
-------------------cut here-------------------
Good Hearted Woman
Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson

D D7 G
A long time forgotten are dreams that just fell by the way
A7 D
The good life he promised ain't what she's living today
D D7 G
But she never complains of the bad times or bad things he's done, Lord
A7 D
She just talks about the good times they've had and all the good times to

D D7 G
She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man
A7 D
She loves him in spite of his ways that she don't understand
D D7 G
Through teardrops and laughter, they'll pass through this world hand-in-hand,
A7 D
A good-hearted woman loving her good timing man

He like the night life, the bright lights and good-timin' friends
When the party's all over she'll welcome him back home again
Lord knows she don't understand him, but she does the best that she can
'Cause she's a good-hearted woman; she loves her good timin' man


[optional: CHORUS up one key, to end]

-------------------cut here-------------------

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