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歌谱:thousand trees(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:Stereophonics 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Song-A Thousand Trees
Tabbed by-Fieldybut@freeserve.net

I can抰 believe that no one has tabbed this yet its one of the best of the Phonics songs. Its mainly just chords but it has a few little twiddles and that.


Riff- e---------

Verse 1
Standin at the bus stop with my shopping in my hand
GAm7 G C
When I抦 over hearing elder ladies as the rumours start to fly
G Am7 GC
Hear it in the schoolyard in the scrapyard in the chip shop by the phone box
G Am7 C
In the pool hall, by the shoe stall every corner turn around
Verse 2
G Am7 G C
Started with a school girl who was runnin, runnin home to her mum and dad
G Am7 GC
Told them she was playin in the changerooms of a local football side
G Am7 G
They said 揟ell us again?she told them again, 揟ell us the truth?they found it hard
to believe
Coz he taught our Steve even trained me, taught Uncle John who抯 a father of Three

Am7 Fadd9C
it only takes one tree to make a thousand matches
Am7 C Fadd9 G(Then the next bit is the same as the intro)
Only takes one match to burn a thousand trees

Verse 3
Hear it in the classroom in the swimming pool, where the matchstick men are made
In the scouts hall by the football where the wives we trust are paid (Im not sure about that last bit)
They all honoured his name he played a lot of the game, he had his name marked up above the sports ground gates
And now theyre ripping it down, stomping the ground picture gathers dust in the bar in the lounge


D Fadd9C
Wake up, smell the rain
D Fadd9 C
Shake up, its back to stay
D Fadd9 C
Havin been on a holiday
D Fadd9 C G (then as intro again)
Growin seeds don抰 believe where he抯 been

Verse 4
Hear it in the schoolyard, changerooms, playing fields, Bathroom,
Phone box, office blocks, corners turn around
They all jump in the flame, theyre tossin the blame, He had his name marked up above the sports ground gates
And now theyre ripping it down, stomping the ground picture gathers dust in the bar in the lounge


Undoubtedly up there with the classic Indie numbers.
This is really simple but if you do find anything wrong just mail me.
Cheers. %FIELDY%

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