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歌谱:break free(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Break free

a G
I want to break free with my heart
a G
with my soul with my hands
a G
I磍l do it all with my hands
a G
with my will there磗 a way

F a
Oh there磗 a way
F a
Oh there磗 a way

a G
Life is hard and beautiful
a G
That磗 why I wanna break free
a G
When it磗 hard I break the ice
a G
when it磗 nice it burns fire

F a
Oh burning fire
F a
Oh burning fire

I was gone and I was dreaming
G a
that nobody liked me anymore
all alone under the water and I knew
my heart was still there

a G
I want to dance free till I die
a G
with my soul with my hands
a G
I won磘 stop smiling for my treasure
a G
Family and me

F a
Oh burning fire.....

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