视频:荷兰籍小提琴家Andre Rieu 动情演绎爵士名曲MY WAY
TAGS: My,way,欧美
视频介绍: MY WAY是美国爵士教父Frank Sinatra的名曲. The lyrics of "My Way" tell the story of a man who, having grown old, reflects on his life as death approaches. He is comfortable with his mortality and takes responsibility for how he dealt with all the challenges of life while maintaining a respectable degree of integrity.
视频介绍: MY WAY是美国爵士教父Frank Sinatra的名曲. The lyrics of "My Way" tell the story of a man who, having grown old, reflects on his life as death approaches. He is comfortable with his mortality and takes responsibility for how he dealt with all the challenges of life while maintaining a respectable degree of integrity.
关于《荷兰籍小提琴家Andre Rieu 动情演绎爵士名曲MY WAY》的评论 (3)
aiqingno(138159) 2012-12-27 22:51:09
朋友说,“爷听第一句差点落泪了“,我刚打开连接开始听,然后我问,”你是说的片头广告么 我正在酝酿情绪“...然后,被骂半天..
风一样的爱做梦(138158) 2013-01-15 09:22:26
有个问题 特好奇。。。你头像 是不是偏了。。不能在往右下 移动点吗。。额,职业病范了。。为何不是对称的。。
Maya_66880(138157) 2014-03-20 07:26:43
Andre Rieu - My Way,声美妙动人,在遇到困难和挫折时这首曲子能给你很大的鼓励,正能量My Way