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视频:Charlie Siem - NPR Tiny Desk,2011 古典提琴

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:11年前 播放次数:149
TAGS: NPR,TinyDesk,Classical,violin,古典提琴
视频介绍: Charlie Siem NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert 曲目: Ole Bull: Cantabile Paganini: Introduction and Variations on Paisiello's "Nel Cor Piu" Godowsky: Alt Wien (arr. Heifetz) Uploaded on Jun 15, 2011 Watch the stylish young violinist pull out a bag of tricks in music by Paganini. Performing at the NPR Music offices, Siem tosses off left-hand pizzicatos, double-stop harmonics and spiccato bowing as if he were buttering bread.
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梦之帕格尼尼(137492)  2014-08-20 21:13:54
红色的小指= =
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