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视频:【提琴課堂】Folk:Brad Leftwich - Old-Time Fiddle 1.初級

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:11年前 播放次数:322
TAGS: Lessons,爵士課堂,violin,Fiddle,小提琴,Dixieland,bluegrass
视频介绍: Brad Leftwich - Learn to Play Old-Time Fiddle 教材下載:http://pan.baidu.com/s/11iilB Learn to play fiddle in the real old-time style with this lesson in traditional downbow fiddling. Brad Leftwich shows how to produce the flowing, rhythmic sound that has delighted square dancers and music lovers for generations. He teaches tunings, drone strings and double stops, simple variations and several specific bow licks, including short and long saw-strokes and the shuffle. Brad's breakdown of Shortenin' Bread, Sugar Hill, Old Jimmy Sutton, Black-Eyed Susie, Great Big Taters and Jeff Sturgeon will benefit all fiddlers who want to learn this exciting style.
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