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视频:【提琴課堂】Folk:MW - Rubber Dolly, Cross-Shuffle Bowing

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:10年前 播放次数:41
TAGS: 提琴課堂,Fiddle,Lessons,violin,folk,民謠
视频介绍: Rubber Dolly Fiddle Lesson with Cross-Shuffle Bowing! 美國民謠Woodrow Guthrie的曲子。 Complete step-by-step lesson on how to play this fiddle favorite. Instruction includes the cross-shuffle (double shuffle) bowing. Set aside 45 minutes to an hour for this private lesson. You can get Mary Ann's instructional books and recordings at: http://www.melbay.com/Author/Default.aspx?AuthorId=32724 http://www.maryannwillis.com/ --- Mary Ann Willis has taught and performed professionally in Houston since 1977, showcasing eclectic and innovative violin styles. Her audiences range from festival crowds to celebrities and nobility. Her passion is sharing the violin's infinite capabilities of expression. She performs with Houston's world fusion band Moodafaruka. She is best-selling author of a dozen Gypsy, classical, ethnic, fiddle and technical book/recordings for music instructional world leader Mel Bay Publications as well as various articles for Strings, Strad, and American String Teacher magazines. She has presented numerous workshops for the American String Teachers Association, Rocky Mountain Fiddle Camp and Strings without Boundaries. She teaches at Writers in the Round, a music studio dedicated to developing each student's unique talents and style. http://www.maryannwillis.com
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