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视频:【古典課堂】詮釋.提琴:Ben Zander 2.1.5 - Tchiakovsky Rococo

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:9年前 播放次数:28
TAGS: 古典課堂,詮釋,Zander,interpretation,Classical,Lessons,Ce
视频介绍: Benjamin Zander Masterclass 2.1 (Part 5) Tchiakovsky Rococo Variations for cello Part 5 of the First Episode of the Second Season of Benjamin Zander's "Interpretations of Music, Lessons for Life" Masterclasses. We hear Rainer Crosett and Jayoung Kim perform Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations for Cello and Piano Recorded May 10, 2014 at the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology - Dave Jamrog Audio/Video --- This is absolutely beautiful, not just the piece itself, but also the teacher and student. He did not implore his "wants" into the student, he suggests them to the student. It's not a forceful experience, more of a free flow of connection between teacher and student.
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