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视频:【爵士課堂】提琴:CHws - Arpeggios for Jazz Violin, Cello,

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:10年前 播放次数:45
TAGS: 爵士課堂,提琴,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,jazz,Lessons,violin,Cello,viol
视频介绍: Arpeggios for Jazz Violin, Cello, and Viola Christian Howes see the blog explaining more about this video and get the accompanying book "Arpeggios for Jazz Violin, Cello, and Viola" here: http://christianhowes.com/2012/12/22/arpeggios-for-jazz-violin-cello-and-viola/ http://creativestrings.christianhowes.com/ - Try the Creative Strings Academy, the online school for improvising creative string players, FREE for 30 days! My classical violin training was invaluable. Nonetheless, there were gaps in the training, especially in regards to harmony, improvisation, and a broader exposure to different musical languages. For the past 25 years, I have worked to expand my musicianship to include a greater understanding of harmony, improvisation, and other musical styles. This book covers a crucial aspect of internalizing harmony on bowed string instruments: internalizing common 7th chord qualities using arpeggios in all keys. I studied all this information the slow way, "in my head," and wish I would have had this resource when I was first starting. By referring to this, I hope you will save a lot of time and headaches! To internalize harmony on any instrument, one must first be comfortable with commonly used chords, and ultimately be able to recognize all the voice-led relationships between common chord progressions. Bowed instruments can articulate some chords with double, triple, and quadruple stops, but the first step is to articulate the chords as arpeggios. For a "chord glossary" as well as a systematic approach to internalizing triads and jazz chords using double, triple, and quadruple stops, please refer to my more comprehensive method, Jazz Violin Harmony Handbook (http://christianhowes.com/creative-st...). You can obtain a FREE download of the Jazz Violin Harmony Handbook by signing up for a free trial at the Creative Strings Academy. (http://creativestrings.christianhowes...) 。。。。。。。。
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