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视频:【古典課堂】詮釋.提琴:Benjamin Zander 2.1.2 - Marcia by Oska

类别:提琴 用户:haavbline 发布日期:9年前 播放次数:49
TAGS: 古典課堂,詮釋,Zander,interpretation,Classical,Lessons,vi
视频介绍: Benjamin Zander Masterclass 2.1 (Part 2) Marcia by Oskar Rieding Benjamin Zander is now the Conductor and Music Director of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, a brand new youth orchestra in Boston composed of both high school and college age students. The BPYO rehearses at The Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology in Boston's South End. Their premiere performance took place in Symphony Hall on November 25, 2012. On the program was Strauss' Ein Heldenleben, Beethoven's Egmont Overture, and Elgar's Cello Concerto with Alisa Weilerstein as soloist. BPYO's first international tour took place the summer of 2013 as the entire orchestra visited The Netherlands to play Mahler's Second Symphony in the Concertgebouw.
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