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视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《d小调双小提琴协奏曲》 Mvt.1

类别:提琴 用户:xy080836 发布日期:12年前 播放次数:1,044
TAGS: 口风琴,巴赫,巴洛克,古典音乐,小提琴协奏曲
视频介绍: The famous Vivace from Bach's Double Violin Concerto in d minor, BWV 1043 is one of the more tricky pieces in the repertoire, similar to the Sinfonia BWV 29 in terms of the articulation that was necessary. The long bowed phrases are difficult to synchronize and several attempts needed to be trashed before it sat right. A more patchwork type of recording was used instead of the one-part-at-a-time that I usually do. In other words, I would do a handful of measures from one part, then shift to another, then back, usually needing to redo the first part again, cycling like this in a round robin sort of way. The original parts are setup like this: Solo Violin 1: Alto Melodica Solo Violin 2: Alto Melodica 1st VIolin: Alto Melodica 2nd Violin: Alto Melodica Viola: Alto Melodica Cello: Bass Melodica
关于《【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《d小调双小提琴协奏曲》 Mvt.1》的评论 (5)
EcaT_喵小黑(238273)  2012-08-20 01:01:58
EcaT_喵小黑(238272)  2012-08-20 19:41:15
任晖宇(238271)  2013-01-05 20:25:05
瞿诗雨 啊哈哈 这 呱呱 的声音真好玩
tjugdz(238270)  2013-05-16 23:32:38
死亡少年死亡后的重生(238269)  2015-03-26 21:20:00
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