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视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《E大调小提琴协奏曲》 Mvt.1

类别:提琴 用户:xy080836 发布日期:12年前 播放次数:1,178
TAGS: 口风琴,巴赫,巴洛克,古典音乐,小提琴协奏曲
视频介绍: The first movement of Bach's Violin Concerto in E Major, BWV 1042 clocked in at just under 7 minutes, making it the longest piece I have done so far. This movement has also been requested by a few people. The solo violin part isn't as virtuosic as some of Bach's other solo parts, but it still has its fair share of challenges. Luckily I was able to transfer it note for note to an alto melodica with 3 octaves. I used a fairly thin orchestration, consisting of one-on-a-part for the ripieno, and I dropped the double bass and continuo. The cadenza and the section leading up to it are taken from the Neue Bach Ausgabe, and therefore may vary slightly from some other recordings. The work was scored like this: Solo Violin: Alto Melodica (shown) 1st VIolin: Alto Melodica 2nd Violin: Alto Melodica (show) Viola: Alto Melodica Cello: Bass Melodica
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