视频:四叶草-好想你(Aiden N Evelyn口琴cover)
TAGS: 口琴,马来西亚,二重奏,四叶草,好想你,fresco,流行,Aiden,evelyn
视频介绍: 一首能够很快就朗朗上口的本地创作 - 好想你 由Aiden & Evelyn用口琴Acoustic的方式为大家呈现 希望大家会喜欢 :) 欲购买 Aiden & Evelyn "Eternity Duet" 专辑或曲谱, 请电邮至 info@frescoharmonica.com ============================================== Please Subscribe Youtube "Aiden N Evelyn" for more videos and feel free to share! Official Website: http://www.frescoharmonica.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AidenNEvelyn http://www.facebook.com/aidensoon.fresco http://www.facebook.com/evelynchoong.... http://www.facebook.com/frescoharmonica To purchase Aiden & Evelyn "Eternity Duet" EP album and Scores/Music sheets, please email to info@frescoharmonica.com For an event booking, please email to info@frescoharmonica.com
视频介绍: 一首能够很快就朗朗上口的本地创作 - 好想你 由Aiden & Evelyn用口琴Acoustic的方式为大家呈现 希望大家会喜欢 :) 欲购买 Aiden & Evelyn "Eternity Duet" 专辑或曲谱, 请电邮至 info@frescoharmonica.com ============================================== Please Subscribe Youtube "Aiden N Evelyn" for more videos and feel free to share! Official Website: http://www.frescoharmonica.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AidenNEvelyn http://www.facebook.com/aidensoon.fresco http://www.facebook.com/evelynchoong.... http://www.facebook.com/frescoharmonica To purchase Aiden & Evelyn "Eternity Duet" EP album and Scores/Music sheets, please email to info@frescoharmonica.com For an event booking, please email to info@frescoharmonica.com

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