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视频:[10孔布鲁斯口琴视频教程]才收到Blues Phoenix凤凰10孔口琴的感觉[高音符]

类别:口琴 用户:kqblues 发布日期:13年前 播放次数:1,586
TAGS: 布鲁斯口琴,口琴,十孔口琴,口琴教程,10孔口琴,视频口琴教程
视频介绍: 以下是引用 铭龙国际 的发言: 今天才收到凤凰Blues Phoenix 10孔布鲁斯。以前用过24孔天鹅口琴。使用10孔口琴,感觉气息掌握不好。低音部分还好,高音部分7B,7D,8B,8D,9B,9D,10B,10D音感觉都不怎么好控制,有时甚至不发音。很是郁闷。 发现一个问题,大家自我感觉吹奏的时候,口腔内部是大还是小?刚才发现,口腔太小的话,高音部分不容易出声,如果调整口腔发现好发声了一点。 PS:口腔小--发出“嘘”的口型。口腔大--吹气球的口型。(不是专业术语,请勿引用。专家请帮忙指正) I have just gotten the blues phoenix harmonica from Harmonica University and once gotten some experience of 24 Swan tremolo harmonica. And no I find it is very hard to control the 10 hole harmonica. It is okay on the low notes, but very hard on the high notes, in particular, 7B,7D,8B,8D,9B,9D,10B,10D, and sometimes they do not sound. I also find if the mouth space is too small, it is hard to make them sound on the high notes. So how about you? If you adjust the space, thing will get a little better. Small mouth space is just like saying ‘chi…’ while big space ‘whoooo’
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