TAGS: 口琴,十孔口琴,10孔口琴,布鲁斯口琴,口琴教程,视频口琴教程
视频介绍: 以下是引用 80min 的发言: 有关压音我倒是可以做出来比较正确的音高了。但是这几天看别人的视频,发现别人在压音的时候下巴基本上是不动的。而我压音的时候下巴是要向后(向喉咙方向)缩的,这样舌头才能比较好的贴在上颚部位。不知道我的技术要领是不是有问题。烦请各位回答,谢先! I have been able to play bend now, however, found the jaw have to be moved back to the throat direction to make the tongue against the maxilla while bending. I don’t see people do that in some video clips. So maybe I have done something wrong. Please give me some suggestions, thanks.
视频介绍: 以下是引用 80min 的发言: 有关压音我倒是可以做出来比较正确的音高了。但是这几天看别人的视频,发现别人在压音的时候下巴基本上是不动的。而我压音的时候下巴是要向后(向喉咙方向)缩的,这样舌头才能比较好的贴在上颚部位。不知道我的技术要领是不是有问题。烦请各位回答,谢先! I have been able to play bend now, however, found the jaw have to be moved back to the throat direction to make the tongue against the maxilla while bending. I don’t see people do that in some video clips. So maybe I have done something wrong. Please give me some suggestions, thanks.

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