TAGS: 1812序曲,口风琴,柴可夫斯基,古典音乐
视频介绍: This is the online premiere of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture arranged for violin and melodica solo by Cliff Bernzweig. No multitracking has been done; in other words, both parts are played as is. This was lots of fun to play, and was recorded in one day using an Olympus portable dictaphone that was then used as an external disk to drag the files into Logic where they were mixed. Violin: Cliff Bernzweig Alto melodica: James Howard Young
视频介绍: This is the online premiere of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture arranged for violin and melodica solo by Cliff Bernzweig. No multitracking has been done; in other words, both parts are played as is. This was lots of fun to play, and was recorded in one day using an Olympus portable dictaphone that was then used as an external disk to drag the files into Logic where they were mixed. Violin: Cliff Bernzweig Alto melodica: James Howard Young

关于《【疯狂的口风琴】柴可夫斯基《1812序曲》》的评论 (16)
hytyg1(238292) 2012-07-07 12:46:58
jychensss(238291) 2012-07-28 21:57:15
li19991129(238290) 2013-03-19 16:10:06
eyun_土匪左(238289) 2013-05-20 19:20:44
從花兒朵朵就喜歡你唱歌 你來最強音讓我以後又開始追星啊
Miss_南希(238288) 2013-05-20 21:16:23
我真不明白你为什么参加中国最强音 在我眼里我一直以为你根本不屑于这些选秀 但我不知道你怎么想的 不过算了 无论如何都会挺你到最后!不管你是不是最后的冠军 我都觉得你是用心唱歌的人!
TTS王梅林(238287) 2013-05-22 12:42:32
联盛药业汪洪峰(238286) 2013-05-22 23:25:52
lxJudy(238285) 2013-06-30 16:57:53
Do you like it?______Ching
______Ching(238284) 2013-06-30 18:38:58
hmm....not bad~
liangliangvong(238283) 2013-07-07 22:34:01
厉害 这视频评分才6。9 什么心态?好顶赞
AdvanceThor_(238282) 2013-07-30 18:28:53
Platycodons(238281) 2013-11-26 22:34:14
磐石98064410(238280) 2014-09-24 19:13:34
肯定是你的熟人偷的 //@TTS王梅林:让我想起了大学时候,自己收集的一抽屉的古典音乐碟被盗的事情,其中就有Ormandy指挥的费城交响乐团演奏的1812序曲。这应该是一个“百年一遇”的喜欢古典音乐的小偷吧。
281134759(238279) 2014-10-30 23:16:51
太厉害 对于口风琴我又有新追求了!
辛种子(238278) 2015-02-09 21:59:00
TD_Ent_Studio(238277) 2015-05-30 22:33:20