视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《管弦乐组曲 No.2》 Overture
TAGS: 口风琴,巴赫,巴洛克,古典音乐,管弦乐组曲
视频介绍: This is the Fugue from the Overture from Orchestral Suite # 2 BWV 1067, by J.S. Bach. I've arranged this for only 5 melodicas. The instrumentation breaks down like this: Flute: alto melodica Vln 1, Vln 2, Vla: alto melodica Cello: bass melodica
视频介绍: This is the Fugue from the Overture from Orchestral Suite # 2 BWV 1067, by J.S. Bach. I've arranged this for only 5 melodicas. The instrumentation breaks down like this: Flute: alto melodica Vln 1, Vln 2, Vla: alto melodica Cello: bass melodica

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