视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲 No.3》 Mvt.1
TAGS: 巴赫,勃兰登堡,口风琴,巴洛克,古典音乐
视频介绍: With 10 solo parts divided into three trio groups and continuo, this semi-lengthy movement required the use of at least 9 individual video tracks in order to make it work. Because of the natural size restrictions that embedded video presents, I needed to make three sets of individual movies with 3 soloists each and then mix them together. This pushed the boundaries of my computer processor, software, hardware, and most of all my patience, but all in all it was a very rewarding piece to work on. The original parts are covered and positioned like this: Violin 1,2,3: Alto Melodica: Right to left, standing, orange shirt Viola 1,2,3: Alto Melodica: Right to left, standing, blue shirt Cello 1,2,3,: Bass Melodica: Left to right, sitting, blue shirt, haircut Continuo: Bass Melodica: Not shown
视频介绍: With 10 solo parts divided into three trio groups and continuo, this semi-lengthy movement required the use of at least 9 individual video tracks in order to make it work. Because of the natural size restrictions that embedded video presents, I needed to make three sets of individual movies with 3 soloists each and then mix them together. This pushed the boundaries of my computer processor, software, hardware, and most of all my patience, but all in all it was a very rewarding piece to work on. The original parts are covered and positioned like this: Violin 1,2,3: Alto Melodica: Right to left, standing, orange shirt Viola 1,2,3: Alto Melodica: Right to left, standing, blue shirt Cello 1,2,3,: Bass Melodica: Left to right, sitting, blue shirt, haircut Continuo: Bass Melodica: Not shown

关于《【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲 No.3》 Mvt.1》的评论 (1)
简单你就快乐(238266) 2013-05-05 19:51:28
没见过,也没听过这玩意儿。口~风~琴,有趣!声音挺好听的。EASY_NEW honey696