视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲 No.1》 Mvt.1
TAGS: 口风琴,巴赫,巴洛克,古典音乐,勃兰登堡
视频介绍: The first movement Allegro from Bach's Brandenburg Concerto number 1 is built upon the conversational interplay among the 4 instrument groups: horns, reeds, high strings, and continuo. Bach mixes and matches them in all possible ways in between their simultaneous presentation and dismissal at the works beginning and end. It was therefore important for me to include a representative from each of the four groups in the accompanying video, so that the interplay among the groups was hopefully visual as well as auditory. I have chosen Horn I, Oboe I, Violin I (actually the Piccolo Violin part), and Cello (from the continuo group). The audio features a wider stereo panning than I usually use, since the ensemble is so large, and the groups so disparate. This work is also unique since it comprises 12 individual parts; one of the highest of any of Bach's orchestral works. The original parts are distributed like this: Oboe I: Alto Melodica Oboe II: Alto Melodica Oboe III: Alto Melodica Bassoon: Bass Melodica Violino Piccolo: Alto Melodica Violin I: Alto Melodica Violin II: Alto Melodica Viola: Alto Melodica Cello: Bass Melodica Bass: Bass Melodica
视频介绍: The first movement Allegro from Bach's Brandenburg Concerto number 1 is built upon the conversational interplay among the 4 instrument groups: horns, reeds, high strings, and continuo. Bach mixes and matches them in all possible ways in between their simultaneous presentation and dismissal at the works beginning and end. It was therefore important for me to include a representative from each of the four groups in the accompanying video, so that the interplay among the groups was hopefully visual as well as auditory. I have chosen Horn I, Oboe I, Violin I (actually the Piccolo Violin part), and Cello (from the continuo group). The audio features a wider stereo panning than I usually use, since the ensemble is so large, and the groups so disparate. This work is also unique since it comprises 12 individual parts; one of the highest of any of Bach's orchestral works. The original parts are distributed like this: Oboe I: Alto Melodica Oboe II: Alto Melodica Oboe III: Alto Melodica Bassoon: Bass Melodica Violino Piccolo: Alto Melodica Violin I: Alto Melodica Violin II: Alto Melodica Viola: Alto Melodica Cello: Bass Melodica Bass: Bass Melodica

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