视频:【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲 No.6》 Mvt.3
TAGS: 口风琴,巴赫,巴洛克,古典音乐,勃兰登堡
视频介绍: The final movement of Bach's 6th Brandenburg Concerto required a significant amount of arranging before it could be played on melodicas. There were several passages in the solo viola parts that needed to be moved, and most of the 2nd gamba part was out of the range of the alto melodica. In most cases I changed octaves, but for certain situations, I rearranged some of the pitches to preserve the voicing. The distribution of parts for this video is as follows: Viola 1: alto melodica (shown) Viola 2: alto melodica (shown) Viola da gamba 1: alto melodica Viola da gamba 2: alto melodica Cello: bass melodica (shown) Bass: bass melodica
视频介绍: The final movement of Bach's 6th Brandenburg Concerto required a significant amount of arranging before it could be played on melodicas. There were several passages in the solo viola parts that needed to be moved, and most of the 2nd gamba part was out of the range of the alto melodica. In most cases I changed octaves, but for certain situations, I rearranged some of the pitches to preserve the voicing. The distribution of parts for this video is as follows: Viola 1: alto melodica (shown) Viola 2: alto melodica (shown) Viola da gamba 1: alto melodica Viola da gamba 2: alto melodica Cello: bass melodica (shown) Bass: bass melodica

关于《【疯狂的口风琴】巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲 No.6》 Mvt.3》的评论 (1)
honeypeach123(238265) 2013-03-23 21:36:58