视频:【疯狂的口风琴】莫扎特《第40交响曲》 Mvt.1
TAGS: 口风琴,莫扎特,古典音乐,交响曲
视频介绍: I immediately thought of the first movement from Mozart's Symphony no. 40 since it's complex in scope but still Classical in the way the voices are treated meaning it's not impossible to transcribe. I've condensed all the double high wind parts into one part each. The Bassoon part is shared between Alto and Bass melodica, since it lies on the edge of both ranges. Violins I and II are doubled and the Viola parts are played divisi with 2 players. The final scoring looks like this: Flutes I and II: Soprano melodica Oboes I and I: Alto Melodica Clarinets I and II: Alto melodica Bassoons I and II: Alto and Bass Melodica Bb Horn: Alto melodica G Horn: Alto Melodica Violin I: 2 Alto melodicas VIolin II: 2 Alto melodicas Viola: 2 Alto melodicas Cello: Bass melodica Bass: Bass melodica
视频介绍: I immediately thought of the first movement from Mozart's Symphony no. 40 since it's complex in scope but still Classical in the way the voices are treated meaning it's not impossible to transcribe. I've condensed all the double high wind parts into one part each. The Bassoon part is shared between Alto and Bass melodica, since it lies on the edge of both ranges. Violins I and II are doubled and the Viola parts are played divisi with 2 players. The final scoring looks like this: Flutes I and II: Soprano melodica Oboes I and I: Alto Melodica Clarinets I and II: Alto melodica Bassoons I and II: Alto and Bass Melodica Bb Horn: Alto melodica G Horn: Alto Melodica Violin I: 2 Alto melodicas VIolin II: 2 Alto melodicas Viola: 2 Alto melodicas Cello: Bass melodica Bass: Bass melodica

关于《【疯狂的口风琴】莫扎特《第40交响曲》 Mvt.1》的评论 (5)
超级呱呱太(238263) 2012-09-30 19:53:28
陆翔_失忆之前记得谢你赐我不死(238262) 2014-07-03 23:38:46
eo999(238261) 2015-05-11 19:25:52
New B!!!
69岁轮滑奶奶(238260) 2015-07-28 08:46:45
成都吴先生(238259) 2015-09-25 11:55:10