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视频:【爵士課堂】吉他:JS.ja020 - The Jazz Chord Concept

类别:吉他 用户:haavbline 发布日期:9年前 播放次数:44
TAGS: 吉他,JS,Lessons,Guitar,jazz,爵士課堂,CHORD,和弦
视频介绍: JA-020 The Jazz Chord Concept (Jazz Guitar Lesson JA-020) How to play In this guitar lesson I will explain the "Jazz Chord Concept", how basic chord substitution works at a basic level. The following lessons will show you up close how to play many of the chords I use in this clip. Find the related course notes on the following link: http://www.justinguitar.com/en/JA-020-JazzChordSubs.php Please subscribe to my channel if you dig what I do! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue to keep it free for everyone! • Please Subscribe To This Channel xxxx See my web site for hundreds more free lessons, loads of songs and detailed courses for beginners and intermediate players getting into blues, jazz, fingerstyle and many lessons on technique, practice, ear training, theory and loads more… http://www.justinguitar.com And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships, no free ebook. Just hundreds of great lessons :) To get help with this lesson and get additional notes and tips, use the Lesson ID in the search box at the top of the web site! Hope you enjoy it - if you do please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and come find me on my socials below. Much appreciate the support! • JustinGuitar Community (GET HELP HERE) https://www.justinguitarcommunity.com
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