视频:七月大暑“古琴剧场 – 巫娜的选本”第五场 《琴之西 ——巫娜与北京新音乐团》结束
TAGS: 46号剧场,古琴剧场,巫娜
视频介绍: 七月大暑“古琴剧场 – 巫娜的选本”第五场 《琴之西 ——巫娜与北京新音乐团》 7月23日大暑 ——一年中最热的节气。 炎热的大暑是茉莉、荷花盛开的季节,馨香沁人的茉莉,天气愈热香愈浓郁,给人洁净芬芳的享受。 DA SHU (The Great Heat) is the 12th solar term and the hottest. It is the blossom season of jasmine and lotus. Hotter it becomes, richer the fragrance. The soothing aroma brings the enjoyment of summer time. 《琴之西 ——巫娜与北京新音乐团》 (Wu Na and Beijing New Music Ensemble) 一、 琴赋 —— 向嵇康致敬 Ⅰ,Qin Fu —Salute to Ji Kang 钢琴Piano(特邀Special Guest): Kit Young 人声Vocal:倪妮 Ni Ni 古琴Qin:巫娜 Wu Na 二、 溯 —— 周龙作品 古琴与高音黑管 Ⅱ,Su—Works from Zhou Long-Qin and High pitch Clarinet 高音黑管High pitch Clarinet(特邀Special Guest):Keith Lipson 古琴Qin:巫娜 Wu Na 三、二重奏——双古琴或与吉他 Ⅲ, Duet—Qin Duet or Qin& Guitar 古琴Qin、吉他Guitar(特邀Special Guest):Jeffrey Roberts 古琴Qin:巫娜Wu Na 四、二重奏——古琴与钢琴 Ⅳ,Duet——Qin and Piano 钢琴Piano(特邀Special Guest):叶佳欣 Michelle Yip 古琴Qin:巫娜Wu Na 特别介绍Special Guest 北京新音乐团 北京新音乐团是中国唯一的专注于当代中国音乐的独立音乐组织,由最新一代的国内外顶级古典音乐家组成。是一个年轻,充满活力的多元化组合,乐团在中国和韩国、音乐厅、酒吧、大学和艺术空间演出,2008年夏天成为BBC电台三个受关注的乐团之一。北京新音乐团经常和由中国传统背景的音乐家合作,三年来透过多次的交流演出,他们积累了许多对当代音乐有兴趣的观众。 The Beijing New Music Ensemble is the only independent musical ensemble dedicated to new music in China. A young, vibrant group of diverse backgrounds, the ensemble has performed across greater China and in South Korea, in concert halls, bars, universities, and art spaces, and was featured on BBC Radio Three in the summer of 2008.Often collaborating with musicians of traditional Chinese backgrounds, BNME has created a grassroots forum for contemporary music in Beijing and, in three years, has presented over three dozen China premières to growing audiences. Their debut CD was recently released by the international classical label NAXOS. 北京聚敞现代艺术中心版权所有,转载请注明。
视频介绍: 七月大暑“古琴剧场 – 巫娜的选本”第五场 《琴之西 ——巫娜与北京新音乐团》 7月23日大暑 ——一年中最热的节气。 炎热的大暑是茉莉、荷花盛开的季节,馨香沁人的茉莉,天气愈热香愈浓郁,给人洁净芬芳的享受。 DA SHU (The Great Heat) is the 12th solar term and the hottest. It is the blossom season of jasmine and lotus. Hotter it becomes, richer the fragrance. The soothing aroma brings the enjoyment of summer time. 《琴之西 ——巫娜与北京新音乐团》 (Wu Na and Beijing New Music Ensemble) 一、 琴赋 —— 向嵇康致敬 Ⅰ,Qin Fu —Salute to Ji Kang 钢琴Piano(特邀Special Guest): Kit Young 人声Vocal:倪妮 Ni Ni 古琴Qin:巫娜 Wu Na 二、 溯 —— 周龙作品 古琴与高音黑管 Ⅱ,Su—Works from Zhou Long-Qin and High pitch Clarinet 高音黑管High pitch Clarinet(特邀Special Guest):Keith Lipson 古琴Qin:巫娜 Wu Na 三、二重奏——双古琴或与吉他 Ⅲ, Duet—Qin Duet or Qin& Guitar 古琴Qin、吉他Guitar(特邀Special Guest):Jeffrey Roberts 古琴Qin:巫娜Wu Na 四、二重奏——古琴与钢琴 Ⅳ,Duet——Qin and Piano 钢琴Piano(特邀Special Guest):叶佳欣 Michelle Yip 古琴Qin:巫娜Wu Na 特别介绍Special Guest 北京新音乐团 北京新音乐团是中国唯一的专注于当代中国音乐的独立音乐组织,由最新一代的国内外顶级古典音乐家组成。是一个年轻,充满活力的多元化组合,乐团在中国和韩国、音乐厅、酒吧、大学和艺术空间演出,2008年夏天成为BBC电台三个受关注的乐团之一。北京新音乐团经常和由中国传统背景的音乐家合作,三年来透过多次的交流演出,他们积累了许多对当代音乐有兴趣的观众。 The Beijing New Music Ensemble is the only independent musical ensemble dedicated to new music in China. A young, vibrant group of diverse backgrounds, the ensemble has performed across greater China and in South Korea, in concert halls, bars, universities, and art spaces, and was featured on BBC Radio Three in the summer of 2008.Often collaborating with musicians of traditional Chinese backgrounds, BNME has created a grassroots forum for contemporary music in Beijing and, in three years, has presented over three dozen China premières to growing audiences. Their debut CD was recently released by the international classical label NAXOS. 北京聚敞现代艺术中心版权所有,转载请注明。
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