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视频:钢琴课 River Flows In You by Yiruma

类别:钢琴 用户:webpianoteacher 发布日期:13年前 播放次数:6,301
TAGS: 钢琴课,River,flows,in,You,BY,Yiruma
视频介绍: http://www.webpianoteacher.com is where to get ALL lessons to complete this song series including the solo, as well as over 1,200 other videos by Shawn teaching you to play the piano using his whiteboard method. Do a Facebook search for www.webpianoteacher.com to find his fans page and get notified of upcoming lessons or just to see what Shawn's up to. http://www.twitter.com/webpianoteacher is his Twitter page to receive tweets when Shawn uploads a new video. Enjoy!
关于《钢琴课 River Flows In You by Yiruma》的评论 (6)
我着迷与钢琴真的(461916)  2011-05-15 22:46:48
我着迷与钢琴真的(461915)  2011-05-15 22:50:45
xcc1840(461914)  2012-09-04 00:51:00
Love ur videos sooooooo much
JANTO雨(461913)  2013-04-30 23:38:01
恬恬498(461912)  2013-05-24 14:03:07
pretty thank you~
轩辕帝天(461911)  2013-12-21 15:02:01
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