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视频:209、二胡独奏--------洪湖人民的心愿 !

类别:二胡 用户:草根-乐器-牛人 发布日期:10年前 播放次数:45
TAGS: 草根乐器迷
视频介绍: 二胡(拼音:Erhu) -------- 始于唐朝,称“奚琴",至今已有两千多年的历史。是中西方拉弦乐器和弹拔乐器的总称。二胡又名“胡琴”,是北方的传统乐器。二胡是中华民族乐器家族中主要的弓弦乐器(擦弦乐器)之一。 二胡社会教育作为整个国民音乐社会教育的一部分,它是二十世纪九十年以来逐渐兴起的一种人民群众自发性的国民教育模式。The erhu (pinyin: Erhu) began in the Tang Dynasty, known as the "Xiqin", has been two thousand years of history. Is a general term for the Western string instruments and plucking musical instruments. Erhu also known as "Hu Qin", is the northern traditional instruments. The erhu is bowed string instruments mainly Chinese national musical instrument family (rub the string instrument) one of. Erhu social education as part of the national music of the social education, it is the twentieth Century ninety years gradually arisen a kind of people's spontaneous national education model. 2015,1,19下午。演奏者:张世民 13093327232.
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