视频:【笛子課堂】木笛:OAIM.KA - 愛爾蘭Wooden Flute,Kirsten Allstaf
TAGS: 笛子課堂,木笛,愛爾蘭,Irish,woodenflute,Flute,Lessons,oaim
视频介绍: Irish Wooden Flute Lesson- The Online Academy of Irish Music with Kirsten Allstaff http://www.oaim.ie/flute-foundations - Please feel free to post any questions you have about this Irish flute lesson, or, Irish music in general in the comment box below. We'll get back to you straight away. The Online Academy of Irish Music presents this introductory lesson for the course 'Flute Foundations'. This course is aimed at the flautist who already knows how to play the flute but who wants to improve on the basic fundamentals of playing. These include ornamentation, tone, intonation and breath. Tunes that feature on this course will be picked from the repertoire of common session tunes. Each lesson will focus on a specific element of flute playing and appropriate exercises will be given. Log on to www.oaim.ie for more lessons! LEARN IRISH MUSIC ONLINE WITH OAIM FLUTE LESSONS - Video based e-Learning system from some of Irelands top tutors and performers. Click the link above to create a free account and enjoy our series of free (sample) lessons or subscribe for 'full access' and enjoy our ever expanding library of courses. We currently have over 200 Irish Music Lessons onsite, at your disposal now! Learn Irish Whistle, Flute, Song, Fiddle, Bodhrán, Bouzouki or Concertina from the comfort of your own home, at a pace you are comfortable with, and at a time that suits you. Opening credits - played by our very own Thomas Johnston on Low Whistle, courtesy of Rhythms of Ireland dance show.
视频介绍: Irish Wooden Flute Lesson- The Online Academy of Irish Music with Kirsten Allstaff http://www.oaim.ie/flute-foundations - Please feel free to post any questions you have about this Irish flute lesson, or, Irish music in general in the comment box below. We'll get back to you straight away. The Online Academy of Irish Music presents this introductory lesson for the course 'Flute Foundations'. This course is aimed at the flautist who already knows how to play the flute but who wants to improve on the basic fundamentals of playing. These include ornamentation, tone, intonation and breath. Tunes that feature on this course will be picked from the repertoire of common session tunes. Each lesson will focus on a specific element of flute playing and appropriate exercises will be given. Log on to www.oaim.ie for more lessons! LEARN IRISH MUSIC ONLINE WITH OAIM FLUTE LESSONS - Video based e-Learning system from some of Irelands top tutors and performers. Click the link above to create a free account and enjoy our series of free (sample) lessons or subscribe for 'full access' and enjoy our ever expanding library of courses. We currently have over 200 Irish Music Lessons onsite, at your disposal now! Learn Irish Whistle, Flute, Song, Fiddle, Bodhrán, Bouzouki or Concertina from the comfort of your own home, at a pace you are comfortable with, and at a time that suits you. Opening credits - played by our very own Thomas Johnston on Low Whistle, courtesy of Rhythms of Ireland dance show.

关于《【笛子課堂】木笛:OAIM.KA - 愛爾蘭Wooden Flute,Kirsten Allstaf》的评论 (1)
mile333(1793) 2015-08-19 14:24:59