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视频:马丁·弗洛斯特 Martin Fröst 莫扎特 单簧管协奏曲 Part 3

类别:单簧管 用户:姜汉超Sax 发布日期:13年前 播放次数:1,010
TAGS: 单簧管,协奏曲,莫扎特,Martin,Frost
视频介绍: 请务必看文字介绍:Martin Fröst,英译:马丁·弗洛斯特,法译:马赫丹·弗霍斯,瑞士顶级单簧管演奏家,使用的单簧管是Basset A。具体介绍:http://buffetcrampon.com/en/instruments.php?mode=productDetails&pid=102。是一种低音区加长版单簧管,专门用于演奏莫扎特单簧管协奏曲,普通单簧管演奏的其实都不是原版。Instrument details The clarinet sound of the 18th century has been recaptured in the Buffet Crampon Prestige Basset Clarinet. Descending to low C, this clarinet is especially designed to perform the Mozart Concerto in its original version. Contemporary composers have even included it in their own works. The Basset Clarinet's lower joint results in an even sound and better accuracy in the low register, especially on the notes B and F. The Basset Clarinet is created from unstained Grenadilla wood and hand crafted in the finest French tradition.
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