视频:[fly me to the moon] 单簧管solo 宗鼎 澳门科技大学 黑管
TAGS: 音乐,黑管,单簧管,演奏,怀旧经典,澳门科技大学,世界音乐
视频介绍: My first shot on bossa nova,anyway. And it's my rearrangement for ths song. Hope you guys enjoy it^-^.
视频介绍: My first shot on bossa nova,anyway. And it's my rearrangement for ths song. Hope you guys enjoy it^-^.

关于《[fly me to the moon] 单簧管solo 宗鼎 澳门科技大学 黑管》的评论 (3)
suooeroo(233341) 2013-09-20 08:25:58
-27890699(233340) 2014-03-30 11:49:35
大神求谱 597873986@qq.com 特喜欢这歌 谢谢![稀饭]
光の星(233339) 2014-11-24 18:50:17