视频:古德曼爵士单簧管 美国黄金年代Sing,Sing,Sing-clarinet choir
TAGS: 音乐,单簧管,爵士,美国,黄金年代,古德曼,Goodman
视频介绍: This clarinet choir performance of Louis Prima's "Sing, Sing, Sing" was made by one clarinetist playing up to 14 parts simultaneously using multi-track recordings. The drums, piano and guitar were all added after the clarinet recordings were complete. Four different clarinets were used: An Eb soprano, Bb soprano, Bb bass and Bb contrabass. I hope you enjoy it!
视频介绍: This clarinet choir performance of Louis Prima's "Sing, Sing, Sing" was made by one clarinetist playing up to 14 parts simultaneously using multi-track recordings. The drums, piano and guitar were all added after the clarinet recordings were complete. Four different clarinets were used: An Eb soprano, Bb soprano, Bb bass and Bb contrabass. I hope you enjoy it!

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