视频:83、竖笛和长笛混杂伴奏--演唱意大利民歌(啊 ,朋友再见!)
TAGS: 草根乐器迷
视频介绍: 竖笛据考古发现,迄今最早发现的recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)在荷兰的一个小镇,recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)是欧洲传统、专业木管乐器,20世纪后在专业音乐演奏领域及基础音乐教育领域均得到极大的发展,其已经成为世界范围内学习人口最多的乐器。在中国内地,recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)以课堂乐器的形象出现在中小学音乐课堂,且基本使用高音笛。其以一吹就响、一学就会、价格便宜、养护方便等优势而成为人们非常喜欢的一种吹奏乐器。台湾地区称其为直笛,中国内地则称为竖笛,木质的直笛称木笛。 Clarinet according to archaeological discoveries, the earliest found recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) in a town in Holland, recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) is the European tradition, professional woodwind, twentieth Century after playing field and basic music education in the professional field of music have been great development, it has become the world study population most musical instruments. In Chinese mainland, recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) to classroom instruments appeared in the music classroom in primary and secondary schools, and the use of treble flute. The rings to blow, learn, cheap price, maintenance convenience and become a kind of wind instrument very much like the people. Taiwan area called the recorder, China mainland is called the clarinet, wooden recorder called recorder.
视频介绍: 竖笛据考古发现,迄今最早发现的recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)在荷兰的一个小镇,recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)是欧洲传统、专业木管乐器,20世纪后在专业音乐演奏领域及基础音乐教育领域均得到极大的发展,其已经成为世界范围内学习人口最多的乐器。在中国内地,recorder(木笛\直笛\竖笛)以课堂乐器的形象出现在中小学音乐课堂,且基本使用高音笛。其以一吹就响、一学就会、价格便宜、养护方便等优势而成为人们非常喜欢的一种吹奏乐器。台湾地区称其为直笛,中国内地则称为竖笛,木质的直笛称木笛。 Clarinet according to archaeological discoveries, the earliest found recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) in a town in Holland, recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) is the European tradition, professional woodwind, twentieth Century after playing field and basic music education in the professional field of music have been great development, it has become the world study population most musical instruments. In Chinese mainland, recorder (recorder, recorder, clarinet) to classroom instruments appeared in the music classroom in primary and secondary schools, and the use of treble flute. The rings to blow, learn, cheap price, maintenance convenience and become a kind of wind instrument very much like the people. Taiwan area called the recorder, China mainland is called the clarinet, wooden recorder called recorder.

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