TAGS: 草根乐器迷
视频介绍: 长笛独奏( 彩云追月)---Western concert flute ! 长笛是现代管弦乐和室乐中主要的高音旋律乐器,外型是一根开有数个音孔的圆柱型长管。早期的长笛是乌木或者椰木制,现代多使用金属的材质,比如普通的镍银合金到专业型的银合金,9K和14K金等. There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute. 有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。 She plays the flute in the school orchestra. The melody is then taken up by the flutes. 接着由长笛奏主旋律。
视频介绍: 长笛独奏( 彩云追月)---Western concert flute ! 长笛是现代管弦乐和室乐中主要的高音旋律乐器,外型是一根开有数个音孔的圆柱型长管。早期的长笛是乌木或者椰木制,现代多使用金属的材质,比如普通的镍银合金到专业型的银合金,9K和14K金等. There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute. 有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。 She plays the flute in the school orchestra. The melody is then taken up by the flutes. 接着由长笛奏主旋律。

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