TAGS: 长笛,室内乐
视频介绍: Un Jour d'été à la Montagne (A Summer Day in the Mountains) was composed in 1953 for flute quartet. The piece’s wit, charm, effortless flow, and idiomatic writing are synonymous with Bozza’s oeuvre, characteristics that have sustained this French composer’s popularity into this century, even if American audiences have been slow to embrace him.
视频介绍: Un Jour d'été à la Montagne (A Summer Day in the Mountains) was composed in 1953 for flute quartet. The piece’s wit, charm, effortless flow, and idiomatic writing are synonymous with Bozza’s oeuvre, characteristics that have sustained this French composer’s popularity into this century, even if American audiences have been slow to embrace him.

关于《E.Bozza山谷里的夏日(二三四乐章)》的评论 (1)
wbbflute(721780) 2015-06-25 21:38:11