TAGS: 草根乐器牛人
视频介绍: 意大利歌曲【啊朋友再见】.此歌曲是意大利游击队歌曲,流传甚广,后被引用为前南斯拉夫电影《桥》电影的主题曲。歌曲声音委婉连绵、曲折优美, 多么一首豪放、壮阔的歌曲。这首歌曲表达了游击队员离开故乡去和侵略者战斗的心情,赞颂了革命游击队的大无畏的英雄气概,生动形象的表现出了革命游击队对家乡的热爱和视死如归的精神。Italy Song [oh friend goodbye]. This song is the song of Italy guerrillas, spread wide, was cited as the former Yugoslavia film "bridge" of the movie theme song. The song sounds beautiful, winding stretch of euphemism, how a song bold, magnificent song. The song expressed the guerrillas left his hometown to against the aggressors mood, praises the revolutionary guerrilla dauntless heroism, vivid showed guerrillas to hometown love and take death calmly spirit. 草根乐器牛人张世民QQ:1363930125.
视频介绍: 意大利歌曲【啊朋友再见】.此歌曲是意大利游击队歌曲,流传甚广,后被引用为前南斯拉夫电影《桥》电影的主题曲。歌曲声音委婉连绵、曲折优美, 多么一首豪放、壮阔的歌曲。这首歌曲表达了游击队员离开故乡去和侵略者战斗的心情,赞颂了革命游击队的大无畏的英雄气概,生动形象的表现出了革命游击队对家乡的热爱和视死如归的精神。Italy Song [oh friend goodbye]. This song is the song of Italy guerrillas, spread wide, was cited as the former Yugoslavia film "bridge" of the movie theme song. The song sounds beautiful, winding stretch of euphemism, how a song bold, magnificent song. The song expressed the guerrillas left his hometown to against the aggressors mood, praises the revolutionary guerrilla dauntless heroism, vivid showed guerrillas to hometown love and take death calmly spirit. 草根乐器牛人张世民QQ:1363930125.

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