视频:泰勒曼 - e小调长笛、竖笛协奏曲 (2共2) TWV 52:e1 【星代数】
TAGS: 协奏曲,竖笛,Concerto,recorder,Flute,telemann,长笛,泰勒曼,TWV
视频介绍: Relocated from http://www.youtube.com/user/tnsnamesora under the terms of "fair use" for viewers in China who have difficulties accessing Youtube due to the internet censorship. Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) Concerto for flute, recorder and strings in E minor, TWV 52:e1 Karl-Heinz Passin, Flute Reiner Gebauer, Recorder
视频介绍: Relocated from http://www.youtube.com/user/tnsnamesora under the terms of "fair use" for viewers in China who have difficulties accessing Youtube due to the internet censorship. Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) Concerto for flute, recorder and strings in E minor, TWV 52:e1 Karl-Heinz Passin, Flute Reiner Gebauer, Recorder
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