视频:魔兽大灾变之Nightsong (诺达希尔之夜) 长笛
TAGS: WOW,Nightsong,魔兽世界,大灾变,暗夜精灵,诺达希尔,月神,艾露恩长笛,爱尔兰
视频介绍: 这是魔兽世界大灾变里的一首歌,来源于暗夜精灵的神话故事以及诺达希尔众神捧月的一个场面,用长笛随便哼了哼,有一些地方没处理好,不过希望大家能喜欢,愿月神艾露恩保佑你们~ 每当我的角色走到海加尔山或者灰谷的某个界面,总会听到这首歌,而我则会停留在那里,迟迟不肯离去 歌词: lyrics Darnassian: ————————— Aldra Nordrassil Zin-Azshari Quel'dorei Nordrassil Elune adorei Elune adorei Zin-Nordrassil Elune Zin-Azhsa'dorei Zin-Shan'do English: ————————— In the beginning we were guided by the glory of Azshara and honored were we as a crown upon the earth Elune guided us Elune has graced us (We live our lives by the light of Elune) We reach for the skies Elune has saved us The survivors of Azshara We learn by the glory of Shan'do
视频介绍: 这是魔兽世界大灾变里的一首歌,来源于暗夜精灵的神话故事以及诺达希尔众神捧月的一个场面,用长笛随便哼了哼,有一些地方没处理好,不过希望大家能喜欢,愿月神艾露恩保佑你们~ 每当我的角色走到海加尔山或者灰谷的某个界面,总会听到这首歌,而我则会停留在那里,迟迟不肯离去 歌词: lyrics Darnassian: ————————— Aldra Nordrassil Zin-Azshari Quel'dorei Nordrassil Elune adorei Elune adorei Zin-Nordrassil Elune Zin-Azhsa'dorei Zin-Shan'do English: ————————— In the beginning we were guided by the glory of Azshara and honored were we as a crown upon the earth Elune guided us Elune has graced us (We live our lives by the light of Elune) We reach for the skies Elune has saved us The survivors of Azshara We learn by the glory of Shan'do
关于《魔兽大灾变之Nightsong (诺达希尔之夜) 长笛》的评论 (2)
w存在m(245043) 2012-01-03 17:22:25
阿凡有个梦想(245042) 2012-01-03 17:29:13
嘿嘿,谢谢啦,还是觉得你那首竖笛的StoneFire真棒啊~~ //@w存在m:不错呀哥们,这首曲子很带感