TAGS: 草根乐器牛人
视频介绍: 巴乌,簧管乐器,流行于云南彝、苗、哈尼等民族中。哈尼族称“各比”,彝族称“比鲁”或“乌勒”,侗族称“拜”,常用于独奏或为舞蹈和说唱伴奏。巴乌的品种较多,在哈尼族,有单管、双管之分,由于竹管长短、粗细的不同,还有高音、中音和低音巴乌之分。 巴乌音域多不超过八度. 音色非常地柔美悦耳,很像一对钟情的恋人在互诉欣悦,低诉衷肠,所以每到晚间,彝族、哈尼族、苗族青年在谈恋爱时,常用它抒发自己的衷情,传递爱慕之情。Bawu, reed, popular in Yunnan Yi, Miao, Hani and other ethnic groups. Hani said "than" Yi said, "Piru" or "Shaul," Dong said, "worship" used in solos or for dance and rap accompaniment. Bau's more varieties, the Hani has single, double, the length, thickness, because bamboo is different, and the soprano, alto and bass Bau division. Pau range of not more than eight degrees. The timbre is very gentle and sweet, like a pair of lovers in love happy tell each other, low v. Zhongchang, so every night, Yi, Hani, Miao young to fall in love, it is used to express their inner feelings, transfer love. 草根乐器牛人张世民安徽省全椒。
视频介绍: 巴乌,簧管乐器,流行于云南彝、苗、哈尼等民族中。哈尼族称“各比”,彝族称“比鲁”或“乌勒”,侗族称“拜”,常用于独奏或为舞蹈和说唱伴奏。巴乌的品种较多,在哈尼族,有单管、双管之分,由于竹管长短、粗细的不同,还有高音、中音和低音巴乌之分。 巴乌音域多不超过八度. 音色非常地柔美悦耳,很像一对钟情的恋人在互诉欣悦,低诉衷肠,所以每到晚间,彝族、哈尼族、苗族青年在谈恋爱时,常用它抒发自己的衷情,传递爱慕之情。Bawu, reed, popular in Yunnan Yi, Miao, Hani and other ethnic groups. Hani said "than" Yi said, "Piru" or "Shaul," Dong said, "worship" used in solos or for dance and rap accompaniment. Bau's more varieties, the Hani has single, double, the length, thickness, because bamboo is different, and the soprano, alto and bass Bau division. Pau range of not more than eight degrees. The timbre is very gentle and sweet, like a pair of lovers in love happy tell each other, low v. Zhongchang, so every night, Yi, Hani, Miao young to fall in love, it is used to express their inner feelings, transfer love. 草根乐器牛人张世民安徽省全椒。

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