视频:183、洪梦婷巴乌演奏------月光下的凤尾竹 !
TAGS: 草根乐器迷
视频介绍: 巴乌,簧管乐器,也叫“把乌”,流行于云南彝、苗、哈尼等民族中。哈尼族称“各比”,彝族称“比鲁”或“乌勒”,侗族称“拜”,常用于独奏或为舞蹈和说唱伴奏。巴乌的品种较多,在哈尼族,有单管、双管之分,由于竹管长短、粗细的不同,还有高音、中音和低音巴乌之分。《古剑奇谭二—永夜初晗凝碧天》中女主角阿阮的武器就是巴乌。 Bau, reed, also called "the black", popular in Yunnan Yi, Miao, Hani and other ethnic groups. Hani said "than" Yi said, "Piru" or "Shaul," Dong said "thanks", commonly used in solo or dance and rap. Bau's more varieties, the Hani, there are single, double points, the length, thickness of the tubes, and soprano, alto and bass Bau division. "Gujian two - night early Han jade day" the female lead in a Ruan weapon is coming.
视频介绍: 巴乌,簧管乐器,也叫“把乌”,流行于云南彝、苗、哈尼等民族中。哈尼族称“各比”,彝族称“比鲁”或“乌勒”,侗族称“拜”,常用于独奏或为舞蹈和说唱伴奏。巴乌的品种较多,在哈尼族,有单管、双管之分,由于竹管长短、粗细的不同,还有高音、中音和低音巴乌之分。《古剑奇谭二—永夜初晗凝碧天》中女主角阿阮的武器就是巴乌。 Bau, reed, also called "the black", popular in Yunnan Yi, Miao, Hani and other ethnic groups. Hani said "than" Yi said, "Piru" or "Shaul," Dong said "thanks", commonly used in solo or dance and rap. Bau's more varieties, the Hani, there are single, double points, the length, thickness of the tubes, and soprano, alto and bass Bau division. "Gujian two - night early Han jade day" the female lead in a Ruan weapon is coming.

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